Aberdeenshire Professional Photographer,  Royal Deeside, with Photo Library of Aberdeenshire & Scotland, Scottish Aurora Borealis displays.


Home Page

North East Library
Aurora Borealis
Scottish Selection
Ancient Egyptian
Aberdeen Book
Crooktree Images
Useful Web Links
Scottish Galleries
Aurora Galleries
Egyptian Galleries
Extra Galleries

CROOKTREE IMAGES: Photographs for reproduction see Crooktree.com

"The collected photographs are, for the most part, quite superb—some highly artistic….the overall impression of this book is that it is a splendid and colourful production with lots of practical advice"

D. A. R. Simmons Journal of the British Astronomical Association in his review of The Aurora Book

The following books can be ordered directly from me at the email address shown below.

Egyptian Holiday is the only book available now at the price indicated, post and packing included for UK orders and will be signed copies.

The Aurora NOW OUT OF PRINT but try Amazon for second hand copies.
70 pages of colour photographs of Aurora from around the world. General text describing what and how to see displays, how to easily photograph them. There is a chapter with a more scientific description about the Aurora and how they are caused.

The only Book on the Aurora Borealis in Scotland

Egyptian Holiday £10.00 (RRP £14.99)includes P&P
Black & White photographs illustrating most of the sites seen during a typical holiday trip and cruise in Egypt. text describing my experiences on my first trip to Egypt and a fascinating Foreword by Robert Bauval of "The Orion Mystery" fame.
Special price to clear what stock I have left at Crooktree. Send payment to Crooktree address.

The photographers memories of Egyptian Holiday in B&W photos


Scenery of the Dee

Being reprinted and published by Deeside Bookshop of Ballater and copies available from Deeside Books, Ballater

Black & White photographs of Royal Deeside from Aberdeen to Cairngorm Mountains giving a 'then and now' comparison with some of the oldest known sketches of the valley undertaken in the 1840's. Some relevant text is included with each comparative set.

A Then and Now of Royal Deeside History by local photographer

Aberdeen-A Celebration in Pictures: Now Out of Print but can be found on used book sites like Amazon.

Unique first colour photography book of Aberdeen in Scotland

Colour prints are available from any of Jim Henderson’s published photos, whether they be in a book, magazine, calendar or a postcard or on this Website. Please contact me for samples, advice about prices and sizes. Commissions of your favourite places can be undertaken but please be aware that if weather dependant then allow plenty of time for the vagaries of the Scottish climate!!

All payments—cheques or postal orders, should be made to "Mr J Henderson". Receipts will NOT be issued unless requested but cheques will not be cashed until the prints have been dispatched. Special delivery or postal arrangements can be discussed. Please note that additional costs will be incurred of overseas postage is requested by Airmail and because of clearing foreign checks. Please contact me at JHende7868@aol.com and I will advise the additional charges to add to the above prices

The Aurora book "contains a number of absolutely wonderful photographs…….the combination of easy to understand explanations makes it certainly something worthy of your bookshelves" Pam Ritchie Ellon Times.

Contact Information:

Telephone/Fax: 44 01339 882149

Email : JHende7868@aol.com

Address: Crooktree, Kincardine O'Neil, Aboyne, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK AB34 4JD

Send mail to JHende7868@aol.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2009-2023 Jim Henderson Photography
Last modified: 18 December, 2023