Aberdeenshire Professional Photographer,  Royal Deeside, with Photo Library of Aberdeenshire & Scotland, Scottish Aurora Borealis displays.


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Return to Extra Galleries                                                                AURORA GALLERY TWO

Link to Crooktree.com to see any of these displays in larger size with full details where they are available for purchase.


TO23814JH Aurora Rays NorthwardsTO23901JH Aurora Faint RayTO23002JH Aurora Faint RayTO23906JH Aurora Rays to EastTO23908JH Aurora Behind CloudTO23910JH Aurora Behind Cloud

TO24005JH Aurora Rays ActiveTO24006JH Aurora Rays ActiveTO24008JH Aurora Green ArcTO24009JH Aurora Arc goes ActiveTO24010JH Aurora & Passing AircraftTO24012JH Aurora over Torphins

TO24014JH Aurora & Passing AircraftTO24018JH Aurora & explosive ArcTO24019JH Aurora & explosive ArcTO24022JH Aurora & explosive ArcTO24028JH Aurora Rays change colourTO24030JH Aurora Corona Rays

TO24034JH Aurora Corona ZenithTO24036JH Aurora on WaneTO24038JH Aurora on WaneTO24103 Faint Corona ZenithTO24105JH New Aurora DisplayTO24112JH Corona Rays to East

The first photograph of this page is still 7th November 2004; the next is the 8th November - just after midnight and continues through the last on the first line. The first photo on the second line is around 20.00hrs UT on the evening of the 9th November, 2004 and during active periods of the solar cycle often two or three evenings of activity happen in a row. The first aircraft photo is at 20.45hrs and the second, the upright,  is 20.49hrs. The large Corona wings at the end of the line is at 21.00hrs and the last one photo on this page is around 21.29hrs so when an Aurora display is active there is plenty to keep the viewer occupied and with a large Corona there is activity at all points of the compass. Return to Page One

Contact Information:

Telephone/Fax: 44 01339 882149

Email : JHende7868@aol.com

Address: Crooktree, Kincardine O'Neil, Aboyne, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK AB34 4JD

Send mail to JHende7868@aol.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2009-2023 Jim Henderson Photography
Last modified: 18 December, 2023